Greenville Country Club
IN RESPONSE TO A GROWING MEMBERSHIP, Greenville Country Club elected to enlarge their club house and engaged Archer & Buchanan Architecture to fit out their new members’ dining room, bar, restrooms and circulation spaces at a level of quality and beauty characteristic of their facility. Designed by noted architect H. T. Lindeberg for Eugene du Pont, Jr., in 1917, this historic mansion–known as Owl’s Nest–was made famous in 1937 when it served as the venue for the wedding of Ethel du Pont and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. In keeping with the character of the original house, our design incorporates rich dark wood detailing which carries the scale, texture, and ambiance of the residence through the new spaces. Designing in a setting such as Owl’s Nest presents a wonderful opportunity to adaptively reuse an historic building while maintaining and enriching the qualities that make it such a special place.